Low back pain is the leading cause of years lived with disability globally

“Low back pain is the leading cause of years lived with disability globally, but most interventions have only short-lasting, small to moderate effects.”

“It has been clear for decades that back pain is influenced by not only physical factors such as strength and posture but also psychological factors such as worries and mood, social factors such as work and family commitments and lifestyle factors such as sleep,” says Prof O’Sullivan.


Hierom kiest u voor Itchi-go

  • Japanse acupunctuur in de stijl van Kiiko Matsumoto
  • Gediplomeerde acupuncturist
  • Persoonlijke behandeling, afgestemd op uw unieke behoeften
  • Wij hebben uitgebreide kennis van Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCM)
  • Aangesloten bij Beroepsvereniging, Zhong


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06 431 39 217