Can Acupuncture or Moxibustion (Moxa) Help with Turning a Breech Baby?

Let’s hope that this essay will be used by pregnant people, birth workers and healthcare providers to help spread the word and the growing evidence about this low risk intervention!
Breech (feet first) position in the latter part of the third trimester of pregnancy is uncommon, but can prevent the possibility of a vaginal birth. In the United States, standard of care in breech term pregnancy is planned cesarean section, with over 90% of breech babies at term in 2019 being born via cesarean birth. While only 3-4% of pregnancies are breech at term, this small percentage represents thousands of cesarean births each year. Planned cesarean birth due to malposition carries risk, can significantly affect the pregnant person if they had hopes for a vaginal birth, impacts maternal outcomes including postpartum recovery and adds costs to the healthcare system as a whole. It is to the benefit of both pregnant people and hospitals to have a range of corrective options to help babies turn cephalic (head down) prior to planning a cesarean birth.

Hierom kiest u voor Itchi-go

  • Japanse acupunctuur in de stijl van Kiiko Matsumoto
  • Gediplomeerde acupuncturist
  • Persoonlijke behandeling, afgestemd op uw unieke behoeften
  • Wij hebben uitgebreide kennis van Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCM)
  • Aangesloten bij Beroepsvereniging, Zhong


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