Acupuncture-Related Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease: A Meta-Analysis and Qualitative Review

People with Parkinson’s disease who combine standard medication with various types of acupuncture treatments may see improvements in their motor function and quality of life, a review study from China suggests.
However, its researchers noted that additional clinical trials are necessary to validate these findings.
The study, “Acupuncture-Related Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease: A Meta-Analysis and Qualitative Review,” was published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

Hierom kiest u voor Itchi-go

  • Japanse acupunctuur in de stijl van Kiiko Matsumoto
  • Gediplomeerde acupuncturist
  • Persoonlijke behandeling, afgestemd op uw unieke behoeften
  • Wij hebben uitgebreide kennis van Traditionele Chinese Geneeskunde (TCM)
  • Aangesloten bij Beroepsvereniging, Zhong


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